Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – Cubbies for Cats

I wrote a recent post suggesting that when you leave your cat alone, consider providing a security blanket to keep her calm and comfortable. I often toss a recently worn, unwashed garment on the bed for Lily and Sophie. When … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats and Their Most Unusual Friends

I got this shot of Annie-kitten (from next door) with a life-size replica of a dog. Annie didn’t seem to know at first that it was actually made of cement. I recall once wearing a t-shirt with a large screen-print … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cat Siblings and Friends

I’ve said before that Lily and Sophie aren’t actually related and they’re not super close. They have a relationship—they seem to care about each other, but they don’t sleep in a sweet snuggle puddle, they don’t lick one another. They … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats Walking on the Wild Side

I think it’s interesting to see a mostly indoor cat like five-month-old Mollie (pictured) changing into her outdoor persona. Here she is swaggering down her driveway, obviously feeling her ancestral oats. She’s conquered everything inside the house, now she’s out … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – How Well Do You Know Your Cat?

A week ago today I determined that Lily might have an ear infection—maybe even mites. Ick! Where do mites even come from? So she got another trip to the veterinarian the following Monday. I’d noticed that she was paying more … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Is Your Cat Suffering?

We lost a beloved neighborhood cat last week. The Smurf was a beautiful Maine coon cat of just fifteen years. She had recently been diagnosed with advanced bone cancer. While she was an indoor cat for most of her life, … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – When Cats Make Up the Rules

Lily has a mind of her own—well, she’s a cat. And she thinks that everything in this household revolves around her—I guess it kind of does. Lily (and sometimes Sophie) creates the challenges and I have to figure out a … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – You’re Not a Crazy Cat Lady After All, and More Cat News

People send me some interesting stories about cats who are out and about and I also search the internet and other sources for fascinating tidbits about cats. Here’s one I got a kick out of. In Japan, guards at the … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Are You Rubbing Your Cat the Wrong Way?

Everyone knows how to pet a cat, right? You just dive in there and start running your hand over the cat’s fur. Wrong! Well, wrong for some cats, maybe right for others. The thing is, not all cats come from … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Tire Shelters for Cats

Say what? Yes, it’s evidently a new concept and quite a good idea for keeping feral cats safe and warm in winter. People rehabilitate old tires and create shelter for homeless cats. Here’s a picture of a kitty tire condo: … Continue reading

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