Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – Chronicling a Cat’s Disease

No worries for those of you who love Rags, the partly fictitious cat in my Klepto at Mystery stories. He isn’t ill, but Lily is. We adopted Lily when she was eight-weeks old. We believe she came to us with … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Health | 1 Comment

Frivolous Friday – Try Leaving Home Without It

First an announcement: Book 37–Cats and Caboodle–is ready for you to read on your ebook devise. Available now at amazon. ENJOY!!! One day last week I walked into my bedroom and found Sophie having a euphoric moment with a blouse … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cat News From Around the World

You might not realize how much is being written about cats—not only on the Internet, but in scientific journals, and other magazines. Here’s a story describing how a researcher strapped video cameras onto 16 cats and turned them loose to … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Your Favorite Cat!

What’s your most unusual cat replica—you know something useful or decorative that’s shaped like a cat or has a cat on it? Do people give you cat-related gifts? Do you buy clothing and knick-knacks depicting cats or with a cat … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Sophie’s 15! How Can That Be?

Dear Sophie, it seems like we just brought you home from the veterinarian who spayed you and determined that you would adjust nicely to a home atmosphere. He opted not to return you to the streets where you were found … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Interesting Pets, Living With Cats | 2 Comments

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Sleeping Cat

Don’t you love a sleeping cat? I mean a cat that’s sound asleep seemingly without a care in the world or a bone in their body as they stretch out, curl up, or drape themselves in interesting positions. Cats are … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – How Many Cats are Too Many?

I believe we all have our cat limit—the number of cats we can successfully embrace on our property, in our home, or in our hearts. I know people who have upwards of twenty cats and take excellent care of them. … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – When the Humans Are Away

Before leaving for our four-day trip to celebrate Dennis’s mother’s 98th birthday last week, I picked up all of Lily’s animal toys. She scatters them around the house, you see—mostly in the hallway leading to my office and also to … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – The Eye of the Cat

Is there anything more mesmerizing than a cat’s eyes? A close second in an expressive eyes contest would be those of an owl. In fact I think owls, especially great horned owls, are cat-like in the way they stare at … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – More Neighborhood Cats

I’m still having fun photographing birds, but also some of the cats I see hanging around our neighborhood and my walking route. Notice how they choose just the right background and the right pose. Cats are clever that way. However, … Continue reading

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