Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – A Place of The Cat’s Own

Cats love cubbyholes, tents, caves, and other hidey places. They curl up in boxes, drawers, closets, and even under the bed. How many times have you opened the linen closet and found a cat resting on a stack of towels … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – If Cats Ran the World

Isn’t this an interesting concept? Cats certainly have some incredible credentials for managing situations. We see them become leaders in our home (leading us to the treat drawer or the water faucet or where we keep the catnip). Cats can … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – What Did That Cat Say?

This is a fun topic. If you have one or more cats, you know that cats have opinions and desires and dislikes and some cats are quite the expert at communicating these. They use lots of body language. You know … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Why Don’t My Cats Get Along?

While I’m certainly no expert on cats, least of all their behavior, I write about them, live with them, advocate for them, and love them. And I get questions, and I attempt to respond. (I do know how to conduct … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cat Toys Are Big Business and Great Behavioral Tools

What do cats do—they sleep, they eat, they play. Sure, they’ll play with just about anything that looks interesting, a blade of grass, one of the grandkids’ toys, a wine cork, a Cheerio they dug out from under the microwave … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – National Hug Your Cat Day

Now this isn’t a difficult assignment. We live to interact with and love on our cats. They bring us so much joy. And remember, having a cat around is healthy. All cats can be considered therapy or support cats. It … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Who Are Your Cat’s Friends

You’ve probably noticed that your cat will avoid certain people and animals and they may seem fascinated by others. While your kitty may ignore most visitors, she always approaches Aunt Mary, for example. Fluffy and Puffy might watch a wandering … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – If Cats Ran a Contest

Is your cat competitive? It seems that some cats are more so than others. They vie for attention, see who can run the fastest up and down the hallway, compete for food and treats, and stage friendly battles over the … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – You Are Your Cat’s Lifeline

While at the Cat Writers Conference last week, I met a lot of cat experts—experts in cat travel, cat safety, cat training, veterinary care, healthy diets for cats, cat rescue, specific cat breeds, the cat show circuit, judging cat shows, … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Would You Like to Train Your Cat?

Are you scoffing yet? “Train a cat?” you say. To do what? Sleep sixteen hours a day, beg for food, turn her nose up at the food, sprinkle litter throughout the house, leave fur on everything, scratch furniture, dive for … Continue reading

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