Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – Don’t Feed That to Your Cat

We talk to our cats like we do small children. We sleep with them, watch TV with them, play with them. Some people even travel with their cats. And we sometimes share our food with them. But is that a … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Is Your Cat Drinking Enough?

Yesterday we talked about cats in water. Today our topic is cats drinking water. Yes, we visit this subject every once in a while. Why? Because it’s important. Cats don’t typically drink a lot of water because in the wilds—in … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats in Water and How to Create an Audio Book From Kindle

Do you think cats and water don’t mix? Well, some cats beg to differ. There are cats that actually like going for a swim once in a while—or often. And some cats are just curious and fascinated about water. Here’s … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Just a Man and His Cat

I love this story of a man who decided to travel the globe on his bicycle…alone. By chance, he meets a stray kitten and his plans change. Now he’s riding tandem with, perhaps, the world’s sweetest travel companion ever. See … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – What’s Your Cat’s Purr-sonality Type?

If you have more than one cat or if you’ve had many cats over the years, you know that cats come in many different sizes, shapes, styles, and purrsonalities. One Australian study has revealed five distinct personality types for cats. … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats the Movie

You may have read my posts expressing my excitement about the movie Cats, which will be released later this year. The target date is December 20. Staring will be some familiar names, but you probably won’t recognize the actors as … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – National Pet Day

Today is National Pet Day, a day set aside to bring awareness to how special our pets are to us and how many more animals need our help. This is also Animal Therapy Appreciation Day and this week is National … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How Do You Get Your Cat’s Attention

There’s a new study out saying that cats recognize their own name. Really? I mean why did they need to conduct a scientific study in Japan to determine something all cat owners already know? When we call Lily’s name, she … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Whew! Cats Are Getting a Break and Celebrate Your Tabby

Did you know that the USDA has been using cats and kittens in testing the effects of toxins in food? Wow! We’ve been fighting against using animals to test cosmetics, who knew such major agencies were using cats in a … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Celebrating Our Pets

First, I’d like to give you an Smokey-update. He continues to do great! He has met the resident cat, Kitty Boo-Boo and it looks like they’re going to get along. In fact, Kitty Boo-Boo seems happy to have him around. … Continue reading

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