Category Archives: About Cats

Paws Up for Wednesday – Stop! Don’t Let Your Cat Smell the Flowers

I went to a large nursery once in search of plants that are not toxic to cats. The nurseryman did some research and found a very long list of plants that are varying degrees of toxic to cats. The list … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Woman Returns to her Greek Roots to Save Cats

I was touched by this story on many levels and I think you will be, too. It’s the story of a little girl who had many friends—almost all of them with fur. She spent her childhood loving and caring for … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – A Study on Cat Purr-sonalities

As you may have noticed cats have been turned inside out and upside down in every way possible since the advent of the internet. Everything we ever wanted to know and even what we’d rather not know about cats is … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday—And the Debate is On: Veganism in Cats?

Vegan cats? Now that’s certainly a foreign concept to many of us, and some cat owners and cats vehemently vote NO to a vegan diet for cats. But there’s another faction that completely embraces veganism for cats. Why? They claim … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Health | 2 Comments

Paws Up for Wednesday – Cats With Jobs       

I found this story heart-warming and charming. Rather than try to describe the part cats are playing in some fabulous New York establishments, I’m offering a link so you can enjoy the stories. You’ve heard of working cats. Well, these … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week

What does “less adoptable pet” mean? In the world of cats that’s sometimes the black cat. Black cats are often the last cats to be chosen. Cats with litter-box issues are less desirable. I once brought home a lovely adult … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Words That Describe a Cat

I don’t know why this came to me in the middle of the night, but have you ever considered how many words starting with A that can describe a cat? Here’s what I came up with: Aloof Affectionate Amusing Aggressive … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – National Pet Memorial Day

Remembering a pet that is lost to us is not exactly fun, but I don’t want to let this special day get away from us. This is one of our longest observed days of remembrance, after all—having been observed for … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday—Happy Cat Month

How can we resist paying attention to Happy Cat Month? We all want our cats to be happy. In fact we go to great lengths to make sure our cats are happy—keeping their food coming, making sure they get plenty … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Celebrate an Orange Tabby Day

Today is Ginger Cat Appreciation Day. Have you ever had an orange tabby—or ginger cat? I’ve known several. Most of them I’ve known are wonderful pets—mellow and sweet, clever and funny—real people cats. I knew one nasty beast of a … Continue reading

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