Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Update on Smokey’s Adjustment

Monday I told you that Smokey has a new home. My niece, the lucky recipient of this special cat, has done everything she can to make the transition pleasant for Smokey. She moved into my recently deceased mother’s home for … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Have You Chosen Your Cat’s Godparent?

Yesterday I shared a happy-ending story about Smokey’s sudden loss and his rescue. You may recall the article I wrote for Cat Fancy some years ago featuring the importance of choosing a godparent for your pets and some tips for … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Is Your Cat Psychic?

Yesterday we touched on a cat’s natural curiosity and how they seem to know where a guest sat even though they were several rooms away during the entire visit. I talked about how one of my cats immediately zeroed in … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Weight-Watchers for Cats

Today is weigh-in day for my mother’s cat, Smokey. He had a urinary tract blockage in January and was put on a special diet. In the process he has lost some weight. After discussing with the veterinarian exactly how much … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – How Many Cats Does it Take to Shoot a Movie?

Cats star in films and they do cameo spots. They also appear in commercials. If you pay close attention, you’ll sometimes see the cat in the film change into another cat. Yes, before your very eyes, a tiger cat’s stripes … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday — What You See at a Cat Show

Have you ever been to a cat show? What is the point of a cat show, anyway? Well, there are breeders who take great pains to breed the best and pride in those best according to standards set by that … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats That Come Back From the Dead

It’s always wonderful to hear that a cat (or any other animal) that was considered extinct, is found to be alive and well. Just this month the Taiwanese Leopard Cat was spotted in the wilderness of southeast Taiwan. The Taiwanese … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats That Lick

I love these cat-licking photos. I guess it’s because they show the cat doing something other than simply looking cute. Well, a licking cat is a cute cat and boy do they lick a lot! Cats lick their fur, paws, … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Your Cat’s Drinking Habits

Yesterday we discussed kidney disease. Today I’d like to focus on dehydration, which can be a problem for cats who have the disease or not. As you’ve probably read before, cats in the wilds get moisture from the prey they … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – March is National Kidney Month—Cats Get Kidney Disease, too

First, let me announce that both the print and Kindle versions of Book 34 of the Klepto Cat Mystery series, FURever Friends, are now available for purchase at ENJOY!!! Some of you reading this, no doubt, have had a … Continue reading

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