Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – What’s Happening in the Klepto Cat Mystery Factory

Book 33 of the Klepto Cat Mystery series, The Secret Claws is selling like crazy; book 34 FURever Friends is in the final editing stages; and I’ve just about finished fleshing out the details of another intriguing story. I’m really … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Is Your Cat Mentally Ill?

It has been said before that cats are little psychopaths. This theory is bantered around for a couple of reasons—because of the house cat’s seeming lack of compassion when she performs a sneak attack on one of the other family … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Videos For Your Cat’s Entertainment

Oh yes, there are videos for your cat. You can play them while you’re gone to keep them company and out of trouble, or you can watch your cat watch the video. Really, these specially designed videos can be quite … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats At Play

One thing cats do and do well is play. For kittens, play is a full-time job—well, that and sleeping. In my experience even eating takes a backseat to playing and sleeping for a kitten. Grown cats play too. By the … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Kitty-Cat Heroes

In my Klepto Cat Mystery stories Rags is always resolving issues, solving problems, and, yes, saving people and other animals. His fans love this aspect of Rags. They also enjoy being taken on naughty journeys by this wily cat. Only … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – The Beauty and Intrigue of Black Cats

I visited our local Humane Society this week. I heard they were running out of pet food for their food bank, so I delivered some. Then I visited the cats. I was stunned to see how many beautiful black cats … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Kitty Girl Fights

Lily and Sophie are not related except by association. We had already adopted (rescued) Sophie by the time we found Lily. So we consider Sophie the big sister. They don’t seem to love each other. They don’t snuggle together. They … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Does Your Cat Want to Join the Circus?

Lately, I’ve seen a couple of videos featuring trained cats—yes, cats actually doing some pretty amazing moves on cue. Here’s the one featuring the Savitsky cats who performed on Idol. (Spoiler Alert: Simon loved them). A friend sent me … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday — What Makes Your Cat Happy?

Do you know when your cat’s at her happiest? Does she ever display a sense of joy? A purring cat certainly appears content and joyful. Our cats act happy when they’re eating. Oh yes, and as I’m preparing their food—the … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats At Work Projects

We’ve touched on this before, but I think it’s a topic worth repeating. Many cities worldwide are involved in some version of a Cats At Work Project, where feral cats are put to work inside warehouses, factories, and other buildings … Continue reading

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