Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – When Cats Are Sassy

Does your cat have a mind of her own? Does he sometimes (or most of the time) break rules and even sass you back. Cantankerous, mischievous cats will defy you when you say “No,” to them clawing the sofa. They’ll … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Your Cat’s Burning Desire

What do you think your cat dreams about? What would make her happy? Sure, she lives a charmed life. Without you she’d be on the streets, still at the shelter, with someone who wouldn’t appreciate her idiosyncrasies, in a dangerous … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – National Health Month

February has a lot going on as far as cats are concerned—it’s National Health Month, Responsible Pet Owners Month, National Prevent a Litter Month, and National Walk Your Pet Month. So this would be a good month to put your … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cat Oopsies!

Wednesday we talked about smart cats. Just like humans and members of every species, cats will sometimes do something dumb. In fact it’s the clumsy accidents and oopsies that has made the cat so famous throughout the Internet. You’ve all … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cat Prodigies

We all like to think our cats are exceptional, and they all are in their own way. Some, like Rags in my Klepto Cat Mystery stories, perform some amazing and unusual feats. A cat might surprise us with their ability … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Interesting and Outrageous Stories About Cats

  We’ve reported on an island where cats are practically the only residents, we’ve talked about the cat train in Japan, but here’s an unusual story of cats renting their own apartment in San Jose, California. Evidently the space was … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Portraits of Cats—How to Capture Your Cat at Her Best

This week’s blog fare is varied. Throughout the week we’ll focus on some of the smart and clever things cats do—one of my favorite topics. As a contrast, I’ll share stories of cat oopsies—some of the missteps cats take. We’ve … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday — A Celebration of Cats

This is the Catscapades blog and I don’t believe you’ll find a Dogs-capades blog anywhere on the Internet, but what cat person doesn’t also appreciate dogs and many other animals? I belong to the Cat Writer’s Association–an organization for those … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Sleeping Cats–Ohhh So Cute!

Try not to smile. I’ve posted pictures of sleeping cats before. Who doesn’t melt when seeing a cat so relaxed? I love watching internet videos showing cats sleeping in some of the most interesting, positions. Some of them are hilarious. … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Where’d the Cat Go?

Do you ever go looking for your cat and discover, after several minutes or more, that she’s hiding right under your nose? Before leaving your house do you check to see where your cats are? We’ve been known to close … Continue reading

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