Category Archives: About Cats

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – When You Leave Your Cat Behind

When you prepare to leave the house, do you get “the look” from your cat? Do her eyes seem to be pleading for you to stay? Do you feel guilty for leaving and often assure her that you will be … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Are You Doing Right By Your Barn Cat?

Are you a rancher? Whether you raise and care for llamas, cattle, goats, horses, or tortoises—or a mix of these and other animals—your “herd” or “menagerie” probably includes one or more cats. He, she, or they are barn cats. Most … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – The Snuggle Cat

What’s better after a huge Thanksgiving meal and a wonderful family visit than a nap? I don’t know about you, but I love to snuggle with my kitties. When I really, really need a nap, I’ll seek out a cat … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Gumby Cats

There’s nothing as charming as the antics of a kitten. They can go from skittering around the room like popcorn to falling asleep while eating from their bowl. So cute. Even as they grow into remarkable cats they still make … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Intriguing Cat Eyes

If you have a cat in your home you probably sometimes find yourself being drawn into the soul of Friskie or Fluffy or Tommy when you stare into those remarkable eyes. They’re hard to resist. And why would you want … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats On the Prowl

Do you have security cats in your neighborhood? They hang out among your geraniums, curl up on your doormat, and walk the perimeter of your yard keeping an eye on things. They also watch your indoor cats through your windows, … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Unlikely Cat Friends

Is there anything as charming as watching unlikely animal friends interact? I saw a picture of a fawn and a bobcat curled up together this week trying to find shelter from one of the fires. I also saw the most … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats and the Burrowing Instinct

What does your cat do when she feels vulnerable? Many cats, when a stranger invades her space, there’s a loud noise (the trash truck picking up barrels in front of your house, a siren screaming past, the vacuum cleaner running … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – It Takes a Village to Keep a Cat Safe and Healthy

I believe in Hillary Clinton’s statement, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I used that quote the other day with regard to my aging mother. Yes, we’re finding that it takes a village—at least several caring family/friends and … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – The Debate: Talking Cats Versus Non-Talking Cats

By the title of today’s post, you might think I’m referring to vocal cats—those who are constantly “speaking” to you. Experts say that cats don’t “talk” to one another. They picked up that trait from humans. Some breeds seem to … Continue reading

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