Category Archives: About Cats

Newsday Tuesday – Heartwarming Kitty-Cat Rescues

Along with the loss due to Hurricane Michael came the unveiling of surprises and interesting new direction for some. Anytime we’re challenged by unexpected change, we have choices. We can wallow in the disappointment or we can step up and … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cute Kitty Quirks

Did your cat come with a quirk? Like humans, dogs, and horses, cats can have quirky things about them—unique trademark habits or abilities or anomalies. Look at the famous Grumpy Cat. Now that’s an unusual, and evidently marketable (exploitable) face. … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday–Cats You’ve Never Met

There are a lot more breeds of cats these days? I mean whoever heard of the Munchkin (except after watching the Wizard of Oz), or the Ragdoll, which came into existence in the late 1960s. Now there’s the Cheetoh Cat, … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – The Self-Contained Cat

While our foo-foo house cats don’t have much need or opportunity to hunt, it’s not uncommon to see Fluffy or Princess demonstrate hunting instincts during play, for example. A kitten will hide in the jungle (under a chair or behind … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Something Special Coming Up for National Cat Day

Yes, this is National Cat Day and we’re going to celebrate all week. Well, most of us celebrate cats every day of the year. I remember, on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day asking my parents, “Why isn’t there a kid’s … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats of No Color

You might have clicked on this link simply to discover what in the heck the title implies. It’s about black cats. Tomorrow (October 27) is National Black Cat Day. This is different from Black Cat Appreciation Day which is August … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – When Cats Have Something to Say

Some cats are more vocal than others—but then you’ve noticed that. Purrsonally, I prefer the fluffy quiet type. I had a talkative cat once. Drove me crazy. Maybe that’s because I like to do the talking. Lily vocalizes for only … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How Does Your Cat Miss You? Let Me Count the Ways

Do cats suffer from separation anxiety like some dogs do? Symptoms of separation anxiety can vary from animal to animal. A dog or cat or hamster (perhaps), who finds himself alone and bored and especially unhappily alone for long hours … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – This Sweet Story Will Make Your Day

All cats are not born perfect. Some have disabilities from birth; others are injured or suffer a catastrophic physical event and many of them are euthanized. In Wisconsin, however, there are people who serve the disabled cat community in the … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Let’s Go Shopping For Cat Trinkets

Do you like kitty-cat things as much as I do? I’ve revealed some of the cat-themed trinkets and other stuff I have around my home from decorative pillows to pitchers, and jewelry to a keychain, and salt & pepper shakers … Continue reading

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