Category Archives: About Cats

Newsday Tuesday – Cats in the Movies

Something to look forward to: CATS the musical is scheduled for release as a movie December 20, 2019. Can’t wait. Did you see the play? Spectacular. Plan ahead and give the best Christmas gift ever to your cat-lovin’ friends—tickets to … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—Kitten on the Keyboard

Last week we talked about cats in the office. As comforting, sweet, and fun as it can be to have a cat or two (in some cases several) keeping you company in your home office, there are hazards. A favorite … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—Cats in the Home Workplace

Many of us work at home these days. And home is often where the cat is. How do you manage your cat in your home workplace? Is she welcome there as she is in the rest of the house? I … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Artists and Cats, Cats and Writers | 2 Comments

Thoughts for Thursday – More Outdoor Kitties

Not all cats will tolerate being kept inside. My mother has such a cat and he drives her crazy when he doesn’t come on command when she wants him inside. He’s 8 and he has survived nicely over the years. … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Love Those Outdoor Cats, As Long As They Aren’t Mine

Actually, I used to love having my cats with me when I puttered in the yard. But we have totally indoor cats now and it works well for us. No more painful abscesses to deal with from attacks by random … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Odd Behavior in Cats

Cats are creative beings. The more cats you interact with over time, the more unusual behaviors you witness. I’ve known and cared for probably 3 dozen cats over my lifetime and Lily is the first one I’ve known who carries … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – How to Make a Cat’s Day!

Are you like many cat people—you sometimes feel as though you live to make your cat’s life peachy? Are you always thinking about your cat and her comfort, whether she’s bored or happy—getting enough exercise and the right food. Sure … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How Does Your Cat Express Herself?

Does your cat use facial expressions? Can you tell by looking at her when she’s contented, angry, irritated, frightened? Some cats, it seems, display a larger array of expressions than others. In fact, I’ve known cats who seem to have … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Kitty-Cat Chronicles and a Klepto Cat Book Signing

I want to invite those of you who live in the area to a book signing with cats!!! I’ll be signing my Klepto Cat Mysteries at this county’s first and only cat café, The Purrfect Cat Café, Friday, October 5 … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – In Case of Pet Emergency

One day last week a granddaughter, who lives close to me, called and said, “A realtor wants to show our house and Rosie’s inside. I’m thirty minutes away, could you…?” Of course, I walked around the corner to take their … Continue reading

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