Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Exotic Cats as Pets: Yes or No?

I watch some of the veterinarian programs on the National Geographic TV channel and notice that some states seem wide open when it comes to adopting and keeping exotic wild animals. Others not so much. It seems to me that … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Scrapping Cats

Do your cats get along? Not all cats do, you know. Some cats adore one another and some seem to have deep contempt for each other. There are cats who really, really want to be friends with the others, and … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – What’s New For Cats

More and more often when I meet someone or run into an old friend the conversation turns to cats. I suppose that’s because I write cozy cat mysteries. And I always learn something new. At a recent class reunion a … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – When the Folks Are Away What Are the Cats Doing?

I couldn’t resist snapping this picture of Lily peering out through the window a couple of days ago, apparently waiting anxiously for my return. I’ve been gone a lot over the last two weeks and I think Lily really missed … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – No Wonder You Can’t Catch Your Elusive Cat

Did you know that an ordinary house cat can run at a top speed of 30 miles per hour? Not all cats, of course, but the fastest speed recorded for a house cat is around 30 miles per hour. But … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – How Smart is a Cat, Anyway?

Here we go again with the “my cat’s smarter than your dog (or hamster or chicken or monkey)” controversy. Actually experts have taken the time and used some of their expertise to study this issue and cat lovers might enjoy … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats of a Different Color

It’s always a crapshoot when you decide to bring a new cat or kitten into the household. You wonder if this cat will get along with the resident cat(s) because not all cats will create a harmonious bond. Generally, it’s … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Honoring the Cat

Have you heard about the cat that’s being honored at the Southwark Cathedral in London with a permanent statue in her likeness? Evidently the cat was rescued from the streets and adopted into the church during the 2008 Christmas season. … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – What Cats Bring From the Other Side

When we lose a cat it’s heartbreaking. Some of us decide never to have another cat again. Others can’t wait to bring home another one or two—not to replace her, but to fill their home and hearth with a new … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Your Cats’ Favorite Toy

Does your cat have a favorite toy? What’s her favored way of playing with it? I find that even cats raised together can have very different ways of playing and expressing their joy and their silly-self. Lily, as many of … Continue reading

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