Category Archives: About Cats

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats of a Different Color

It’s always a crapshoot when you decide to bring a new cat or kitten into the household. You wonder if this cat will get along with the resident cat(s) because not all cats will create a harmonious bond. Generally, it’s … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats Who Give Back

We’ve all read sweet stories of cats helping other cats and even dogs protecting and nurturing kittens and cats. I saw a story this week about a dog who plays referee between two cats who can’t seem to get along … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – It’s Getting Dark Out: Do You Know Where Your Cat is?

How often have you wondered where your cat goes and what she does all day when she’s out of your sight? I think we’ve all had indoor-outdoor cats and some of us still do—my mother, for example. Her cat, Smokey, … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Happy Cat Month

No one wants a grumpy cat or one that’s unhappy, ill, angry, or fearful, right? We all delight in our cats being relaxed, healthy and happy. The CATalyst Council, a nationwide council of several organizations, has set aside September as … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Silly Moments With our Comical Cats

You’ve probably seen that Twizzler commercial where grumpy or serious people are tempted by a Twizzler and have trouble keeping that straight face. Cats (especially kittens) have a similar affect. Just try to be melancholy, angry, or stoic when a … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Clear the Shelters Day

This is a wonderful story of adoption sponsored by NBC and Telemundo TV. And it was a huge success. Over 1,200 shelters participated and over 70,000 animals were adopted. You should see the pictures of the happy pets and excited … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats and Books

  It cracks me up how and where I find ideas for this blog (and for the Klepto Cat Mystery stories, by the way). Last week I visited the restroom in my chiropractor’s office and saw a photograph of a … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – The Cat in the Window

A cat without windows is unimaginable to me. For much of my life I’ve had inside/outside cats. My cats have all been totally indoors for the last forty years or so—with the exception of one rescued calico who insisted on … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Litter Box Art

Sometimes I just can’t resist sharing Lily’s artwork, even if it comes from the litter box. Does your cat pee interesting shapes for you? Does she claw designs in the litter—something that looks like a bird or a fish, perhaps? … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 1 Comment

Newsday Tuesday – Feral Cats in Your Neighborhood –What You Can Do?

A feral cat is a cat without a home—one that was born into or has returned to a wild state. There are also domesticated cats that have lost their way or been abandoned. These cats might be called strays. Homeless … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Rescue, Feral Cats, Homeless Cats | 5 Comments