Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – The Cat Nap

The weather is starting to cool a bit, which makes it more comfortable to sleep. Although I’m not sure cats ever lose any sleep no matter the weather. They seem to be able to catnap or snooze soundly under any … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats in the Hood

They come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. They roam, they play, and they snooze. Some are friendly and show up for a little petting, others visit primarily to escape the chaos at their own homes–children, other pets, and all. … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Absolutely Fascinating Feline Facts

I found a site this morning that, if you visit, could entertain you for hours. It’s beyond intriguing. It was put together in 2016 and includes 101 interesting facts about cats. For example, did you know that a group of … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Your Helpful Bundle of Fur

Monday we talked about begging cats and how we facilitate them. Tuesday we explored some of the rituals we share with our cats. What about helping cats—cats who help? Here are some of the chores our two cats engage in … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Rituals We Share With Our Cats

Do you have special moments you share with your cat? Are there little habits or routines you and your cat engage in? If you’re like most humans with cats, you have a list of them. One that most of us … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Does Your Cat Beg Like a Dog?

We’ve established many times on this blog that a cat is not a dog and vice versa. But it’s hard to deny that a cat will sometimes take on traditional, typical dog-like behaviors, whether they’ve been exposed to dogs or … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats in Boxes

What’s up with a cat’s fascination with boxes? Does your cat get excited when the UPS truck shows up and a box appears on the porch? It seems that she’s eager to see what’s inside the box, but no. As … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Outdoor Adventures for the Indoor Cat

I’ve written before about how to offer the indoor cat the wonders of the out of doors. You can leash train your cat and take her for walks in the neighborhood or into the wilderness when traveling, for example. You … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – What’s Your Cat’s IQ?

Is your cat smarter than my cat? Could be. But I guess it depends on how cat intelligence is measured. Are cats that do tricks on command smarter? Maybe they’re simply calmer, can more easily focus on training prompts, and/or … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Never Shush Your Cat (and other Feline no-nos)

There are some things that experts say you should never do with, to, or around your cat and most of us have probably done them. For example, it’s thought that the shushing sound you make when trying to calm a … Continue reading

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