Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Dog Days of Summer for Lazy Cats

I feel sorry for cats in summer. It seems as though they’d get awfully hot under that thick coat of fur. I ask Lily, every once in a while, if she’d like to take off her coat. However, I guess … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Let Your Cat Be Your Purrsonal Life Trainer

Do you marvel at how beautiful, energetic, relaxed, HAPPY, and healthy your cat is? Have you ever considered how he got that way? Sure, genes are involved, but what else do you think might contribute to your cat’s ability to … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – How You Feed Your Cat Can Also Affect Her Health

What do you feed your cat in? A tray left from last night’s frozen meal, a paper plate, a saucer from your grandmother’s favorite China set, or a cute designer cat food bowl? You might be surprised that it does … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Health | 2 Comments

Mindful Monday – Is Your Cat’s Food Healing or Harming Her?

Oh my, are there are lot of choices when it comes to cat food these days. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. It probably means there are more excellent food choices for our cats … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Counting Cats in the City

The New York Times ran an article last month about a Cat count in Washington DC. It sounds as though they are practically going door-to-door to count every cat in the city. They’re also documenting feral cats using cameras and … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday — Cats Weathering the Heat

Parts of the US have had record heat waves this year, and those of us with animals are reminded regularly to keep our pets safe during these extreme weather events. If you don’t have an air conditioned barn for your … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Weird Facts in the Cats Versus Dogs Issue

Well, today I dug up something that will make absolutely no difference to any of us. Science has proven that dogs love us more than cats do. Any surprises there? I didn’t think so. Everyone knows that cats are aloof … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – The Old Cats Versus Dogs Issue Revisited

The numbers don’t lie—or so they say. Actually, as I conduct research for this blog, I find all sorts of statistical contradictions—they’re usually close, but no cigar. Here’s what the American Pet Products Organization people say—actually, I believe this is … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Kittens Galore

Yes, there will be kittens. But first let me give you the link to the latest Klepto Cat Mystery. Both the print and Kindle version of Revenge at Its Felinest (Book 30!) are available here: Now to the Kittens … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – What’s New For Cats? Some Off-the-Wall Services and Gadgets

Here’s one for the books (in fact I might include the concept in one of my stories). It’s Flats for Pets. PetsnFlats is a German company that pairs live-in pet sitters with residents who have an extra room. From what … Continue reading

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