Category Archives: About Cats

Blog Tour – The Klepto Cat Mysteries Dissected—Where Do the Stories Really Come From?

Miki’s Hope is our blog stop today. Michele gave me an interesting assignment—to share how I come up with all of those story ideas. I mean, I publish an average of 6 cozy mysteries per year. There are 29 Klepto … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday –The Cat’s Amazing Tongue

They all have one and we humans actually find the cat’s tongue to be rather interesting with its coarse barbs and lapping and grooming abilities. In fact, the cats tongue is made for grooming, which is highly important to a … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Where is Your Cat From?

I think most of us know that the Siamese cat originated in Siam—now Thailand, and the Persian is from Persia—now Iran, the Turkish van is from Turkey, the Savannah has roots in Africa, and the Abyssinian comes from Abyssinia–now Ethiopia. … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Does Your Boss Offer Paw-ternity Leave?

The times, they are a changing. And I love seeing some of those changes involve kindness, concern, and appreciation for the human-animal connection. It’s refreshing to see some of of the world’s largest companies showing compassion for our pets. Some … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Your Cat’s Genealogy

Most of us who share our home with one or more cats, don’t care much about where he or she came from. We love the little furballs and accept them for who they are. But occasionally someone might ask, “Is … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Purry-Furry Visits From the Other Side

First, we have a winner. As you can see, Lily chose Pearl Hilden’s entry in the caption contest. She seems to have chosen Pearl’s name paws down. Congratulations Pearl!!!! Now to the topic for Tuesday. And oooooh, what a delicious … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – More About the Ginger Cat

All ginger, marmalade, orange, red cats have some distinct characteristics. They’re all tabbies. Most of them (80% in fact) are male. Strangely, most ginger cats I know are female. Their eyes can be gold, green, or copper and, believe it … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Oh no! Your Cat Has to Visit the Veterinarian! Is it Kidney Disease?

If there’s something most cat moms and dads dread, it’s a visit to the veterinarian. It’s definitely an ordeal we’d rather not participate in. And that’s mostly because it upsets our sweet fur-kid so much. Lily has kidney disease. She … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Why is My Cat Mad at Me? How to Deal With An Aggressive Cat

While most cats are…well, pussy cats, some seem to have been spawned by an evil Tasmanian devil cat. What makes cats aggressive? Why do some cats play so rough? What causes a cat to fight his way out of a … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Inspirations for This Blog

Where do all of the ideas come from? From a cat’s whiskers to cat motif, from the cat’s anatomy to the perceived extinction of birds because of cats in the yard, from cat color to cat breeds and more—we cover … Continue reading

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