Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday — Over-the-Top Names for Cats

Do you find it easy or difficult to name a new pet? If you’re like me, sometimes the name sort of comes with the pet—the name is obvious from the moment you fall in love with him or her. Other … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Amazing Cats in the Military

This week we remembered our veterans. It seems appropriate to include feline veterans—cats who served in time of war. Here’s a site celebrating eight cats of war. You don’t believe that a cat can be of service to the military? … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – There are Animal Shelters and Then There are ANIMAL SHELTERS

The trend today is for the “No Kill” animal shelter. I wonder, isn’t there another word we can use in place of kill? Something positive? Life For Animals or Living Pet Shelter… Not every place that houses homeless animals is … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – How to Safely Restrain Your Cat For an Outdoor Jaunt

Yesterday we talked about keeping cats safely indoors. I know, I know, sometimes it’s not so easy to do. We once adopted a cat who refused to be a housecat. She loved being inside, but insisted on outdoor time, as … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – When Cats Roam

Can you look out your window and see a cat now and then—or maybe often? It may be your own cat enjoying a sunny day on a grassy spot in your yard, a neighbor’s cat wandering through, or a skittish … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Did Your Cat Go Ga-Ga Over the Royal Wedding?

Did you enjoy the royal wedding? Did you watch it or simply review some of the links showing the ceremony and snippets of the reception? Maybe you watched it with friends. Did you serve tea and crumpets? And here’s the … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats and Dogs, Unlikely Friends?

We all know people with both dogs and cats who actually get along. One of our neighbors has dogs, cats, and birds—oh yes, and fish in a pond in their backyard. Some cats actually establish strong friendships with other species … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday — Want a Healthier Cat? Pet Her More Often

Sure, petting, brushing, and combing Fluffy (or Fido, or Trigger, or even Bun-Bun and Lizzie) is a wonderful way to bond with your animal, but it also helps you to be more attuned to the animal’s overall health. You, the … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – How Does Your Cat Support You?

We’ve talked all week about support and therapy animals of all types. How many of you have relied on your cat for company, comfort, and/or companionship? Some of you have other types of pets that you adore and depend on … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Can My Kitten Be a Therapy Pet?

What exactly is a therapy pet? Is it the same as a support pet or a service pet? This site gives information about the difference between a service dog and a therapy dog. Basically a service dog is trained … Continue reading

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