Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – Is the Therapy and Service Pet Concept New?

  We’ve become accustomed to seeing eye dogs, but did you know there are also hearing alert dogs, seizure alert dogs, autism service dog, and medical alert dogs that will alert for migraines, diabetes and even heart issues? For years, … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – My Pet’s Smarter Than Your Pet

You see articles all the time featuring reasons why dogs are smarter than cats or cats are smarter than dogs. But I came across one this week saying that a raccoon may be smarter than either the cat or the … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – What Does Your Cat Smell?

Monday we focused on a cat’s ability to see beyond what we see. Tuesday, we discussed the cat’s amazing hearing. Another super power cats possess is their sense of smell. In fact, I wonder how our cats can even stand … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Meet Some of the Cats Who Inspire My Cat Characters

As you know, I pattern some of the cats in my Klepto Cat Mysteries after cats I’ve known. Rags, the star klepto cat, is a compilation of my mom’s confident grey-and-white cat, Smokey, and our toy-toting kitty, Lily. I’ve also … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – What Does Your Cat See?

Do cats really see in the dark? Can they see things as clearly as we do?  Here’s a fascinating article that not only explains how a cat’s vision differs from ours, it show pictures of the difference. The general … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – What Does Your Cat Hear?

Do you ever wonder about your cat’s level of hearing? What are they listening to when they turn and twist their ears seemingly to catch sounds from a distance or maybe close—sounds we can’t detect at all? Is it a … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – How Much Does Your Cat Love You?

Here’s an article that will make cat lovers happy. It concludes that our cats really do love us. Oh they might act aloof, walk away in the middle of a good petting session, snub us when we return home, refuse … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Can You Turn Your Shy Cat Friendly

Cats and kittens that haven’t been handled much tend to be a bit shy. They might make up to one or two people after a lot of exposure to loving gestures, but they may continue to shun others. Anyone who … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Imperfect Cats That Make Purrfect Pets

Just like with people or any other species, cats are sometimes born with deformities or afflictions. Sometimes there’s an accident or an illness that requires amputation. In most cases, the cat continues on, adapting to his plight. And sometimes there’s … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Who Owns Cats? Plus Let’s Celebrate the Tabby!

It used to be that cats were associated with old people—you know, the little old lady who lives alone with her cat. But that’s no longer the case. Even the hippest among us might have one or more cats. Young … Continue reading

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