Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – What the Internet is Teaching us About Cats

Cats seem to be taking over the Internet. Is it just me or has there been an enormous increase in cat-related posts, articles, videos, and so forth? I still maintain that the Internet has been good for the cat. People, … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats and Flowers

Cats and flowers seem to go together. A bouquet or garden of flowers is just the right background or foreground for cat photography. And a picture of flowers really comes to life when there’s a cat present. This is the … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Water for Cats

Does your cat drink water? You may have read that cats don’t typically drink much water and maybe that’s because they weren’t bred to. Their ancestors lived in the wilds and they got enough moisture in their prey. So it … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Feeding Mistakes We Make With Our Cats

First, an apology. A fourteen hour power outage prevented me from posting this in a more timely fashion. In Ojai, especially after a good rain, trees fall and that’s what happened in our neighborhood yesterday afternoon. We got power back … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Is Your Cat Fat or Just Fluffy?

You (and your cat) may have heard it before. “Gosh she’s a fatty.” Or “I love fat cats—she’s so cute.” Or “Gads, what do you feed her?” Your veterinarian may be telling you to cut down on her food and … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Do MORE This Kitten Season

As cute as they are, we really must do our part to prevent unwanted litters of kittens. For years, it’s been drilled into us—spay-neuter. We’ve been told, there are millions of homeless cats and warned not to add to the … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Tortie Appreciation Day

I turned my cat-a-day calendar today to a photo of a tortie. That’s a tortoiseshell cat—you know, one with black and orange swirls all over her body. Our Sophie is what I consider to be a tortie, however, she isn’t … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Interesting Sites for Cat-People

Many of you who follow this blog LOVE to read cozy mysteries with cats. Some of you will read anything with cats—which is one reason why you’re reading this blog. You enjoy articles featuring cat behavior, news stories about cats, … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Your Cat the Eye Witness

Our pets see a lot, but they don’t usually talk about it. While a cat or a dog might know full well which daughter borrowed your favorite sweater, who spilled the ketchup on the carpet, where the toddler put your … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – How Many Cats are Too Many Cats?

Some say that cats are like potato chips, you can’t have just one. Many cat owners feel sorry for a lone cat and will bring in a second one to keep the first one company when they’re gone. And sometimes … Continue reading

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