Category Archives: About Cats

Paws Up for Wednesday – Angels for Special Needs Cats

Have you ever wondered what happens to unadoptable cats—those that are blind or deaf or have disabilities? We all assume they’re eventually euthanized. But that isn’t always the case. There are many angels out there who cater to special needs … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – The Real Purpose of Cat Whiskers

One of the cutest features of a cat might be her whiskers. A cat’s whiskers add such charm to those sweet kitty faces, but what is their purpose? Why do cats have whiskers? I always thought/heard/read that whiskers kept a … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Surprising Relationships in the Feline World

Oh my, what an interesting trip I took recently through the world of feline relationships—I mean genetics. I think I’ve told you that in Olivia’s DNA report the wild cat she’s most closely related to is the cheetah. Well, I … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Meet the Robot Cat Sitter

No, I did not make this up. There is such an animal. Well, it’s not actually an animal it’s more like a human and its purpose is to entertain and care for a cat in your absence. The robot is … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – How Flexible is Your Cat?

Cats are unique in so many ways—in the way they act and react and think and even in the way they’re built. Cats are extremely flexible, which makes them one of the most successful hunters in the animal kingdom. They … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – National Kitten Day

Today is National Kitten Day. I’m sure I don’t have to suggest ways that you can celebrate. You know the drill—adopt, rescue, volunteer, donate, and/or simply honor and celebrate a kitten you know and love. Now that’s an easy assignment … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday –Are You in Tune With Your Cat?

What have you and your cats done for fun, lately? Have you or your fluffy-pants-kittycome up with any new and interesting activities to do together? As I mentioned Monday, I’ve been having to take more breaks than usual to help … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – The Best of Cats

Here’s an interesting site that highlights the most read cat articles. Included are articles on why cats sleep on top of us, what cats do when we aren’t looking, how/why cats break the laws of physics, how cats used humans … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Benefits of Loving Cats

We’ve all heard and read some of the benefits of having cats. I find it validating to read that being around cats can lower stress. It’s actually been documented that our heart rate goes down when we interact with a … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Cats on the Prowl and Attack

Not all feral cats keep to themselves and out from under foot. In fact, some can be quite assertive and cranky and downright dangerous. It’s evidently commonplace to receive alerts about dangerous animals on the loose in Florida—but these alerts … Continue reading

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