Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – Cats On the Prowl

There are reported to be 60 million homeless cats in the United States alone. These are feral cats—born to a feral female—and domestic cats gone wild or roaming free after being abandoned or dumped. While there are numerous organizations and … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Strange Things We Do To Our Cats

We play with our cats, brush and comb them, and give them treats. Some of us take our cats for car rides, swimming, or horseback riding. Some others dress their cats, put colored caps on their claws, or decorate them … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Safety | 2 Comments

Thoughts for Thursday –Typically, Traditional Kitty-Cat Behavior

What’s up with butt-sniffing and sister-squabbling among cats? Darn it, cats are just too adorable and sweet to engage in some of the animal-like practices they do. Butt-sniffing, for example. I don’t see Sophie do it, but Lily, my little … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Your Cat’s Nickname

What do you call your cat? We talked about naming cats last week. But do you always address your cat by her given name or are you like many cat people—you have a variety of pet names for her? I … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – An Assortment of Munchkins

When I first heard of the munchkin, I assumed it was a single new breed of cat. And because I do a lot of research for this blog, I often stumble across all sorts of interesting facts and trivia about … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Naming Your Cat

What’s in a name? Naming a cat can sometimes take a lot of time and trials. My mother, for example, gave her gift kitten a name, but couldn’t remember it. She kept calling him Smokey, which was the name of … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 2 Comments

Thoughts for Thursday – Cats Out and About

A favorite topic here, as you may have noticed, is whether to let your cats outside or keep them in. And a general consensus is, it depends on the cat. Cats are small, but some of them are mighty big … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Laughing Out Loud With Your Cat

What does your cat do that makes you laugh out loud? If you’re like me, you can’t help but open videos promising cute cats or dogs or other animals doing funny things. No matter where you’re watching these, you probably … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Animals That Have Gone Extinct

I thought I’d continue with Monday’s theme by listing some of the animals thought to be extinct—many of them having gone extinct in our lifetime. Let’s start with the cats: The American cheetah no longer exists, neither does the Iberian … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Is Your Cat Fat or Just Fluffy?

We’ve all seen the drawing (or photograph) of a clearly obese cat with the caption: “I’m not fat, I’m fluffy.” And it’s that fur that can sometimes be a hindrance in determining whether your cat’s putting on weight or even … Continue reading

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