Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – A Unique Way to Protect Wild Birds From Your Predator Cat

First, I want to let you know that you can order either the print or Kindle version of my newest Klepto Cat Mystery Secrets, Trickery, and Meows here at Amazon. They have linked the print and Kindle books together. … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Unbelievable Cat News

You really need to check this site out every once in a while. Here, you’ll find the latest news about cats. For example, did you hear about the travelers who tried to smuggle a six-month old kitten onto an airline … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – The Sleeping Cat

Cats are reputed to be some of the best nappers around, thus the term catnap. But do they ever get a really good night’s sleep? Do cats hunker down and get some good z’s? It seems as if their sleep … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Delicious Mystery in a Cat’s Eyes

A friend sent me this link featuring the cat’s amazingly interesting and mysterious eyes. I mean, there’s nothing quite like the staring of a cat. Some cats will look at you as if they have a pathway into your soul. … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Let’s Talk Water and Cats

Here in parts of Southern California, we’re experiencing severe drought. But the cats who live in this state don’t much care. Most domestic cats don’t typically drink a lot of water and that’s not necessarily a good thing. In the … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Your Cat’s Hidey Place

Does your cat have a favorite hiding place? Does she like to crawl into an empty box, a gift bag or an ordinary grocery bag? Cats seem to enjoy cat trees with tunnels and hidey holes. I guess that’s why … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats Know How to Get Attention

How does your cat vie for your attention? If you have more than one cat, you might get more attention than you want sometimes. You sit down and they leap into your lap or curl up at your feet. You … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats With Too Many Toes and Claw Issues

Have you ever seen a cat with extra toes? It’s a seemingly weird phenomenon called polydactyl. According to an article at the Catster website, polydactyls are not all that uncommon. I guess most of us have seen or known a … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Forty-five Years and Counting–Plus Ask Your Cat!!!

It was 1973 when I borrowed a manual typewriter, set it up on a small table in a corner of my bedroom, and started writing for publication. Forty-five years later, I have 68 published books and thousands of published articles … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Books, Cats and Holidays | 2 Comments

Frivolous Friday – Air Fresheners: Another Hidden Danger for Cats

Yesterday, we talked about the danger of essential oils when used around a cat. I began to wonder about those plug-in room fresheners and even spray air fresheners. So I did some research. This is what I found: Unfortunately, many … Continue reading

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