Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Essential Oils Are NOT For Cats

I received a notice yesterday warning against using essential oils around cats. I don’t use them, but it would never have occurred to me that these oils would be dangerous for our furry friends. When I saw this message, I … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – When Your Cat’s Happy, Everyone’s Happy

I received a lovely brochure from the Humane Society this week. It’s excerpted from Arden Moore’s book, Happy Cat, Happy You and it includes some of the best tips I’ve read for cat owners. Either donate to the Humane Society … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Charming Police Cats

I walked into our veterinarian’s office the other day with our torbie, Lily, and saw a policeman sitting next to a small carrier. I asked if that was his police dog. He laughed and said, “No, it’s our police cat.” … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Fun Cat Books for Children

People often ask me if my Klepto Cat Mysteries are for children. I think it’s because not everyone is familiar with the cozy mystery genre, which is light reading for adults. Cozy mysteries are recognized by their, sometimes, whimsical and … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – National Dress Your Pet Day

First, let me say that Catscapades has been recognized by, yet, another website as one of the best 25 cat blogs in 2017. Visit here to see the list and links. As you may remember, we’re also among the … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – After the Fire: Do Animals Suffer from PTSD?

Sophie has Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Yes, Sophie is a cat—a cat who was evacuated during the recent fire that surrounded our community last month and did so much damage here and in neighboring communities. I evacuated with Lily and … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Feeding Your Cat Addiction

Are you addicted to cats? Do you have trouble resisting cute cat videos? Do you sigh with delight at seeing an adorable cat painting or photograph? I adore most cat art. Here’s an article featuring some of the world’s famous … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – How to Help Cats When the Elements Turn Against Them

Much of the US is experiencing a killer freeze. Wildfires rage through the Western states. Some communities are still dealing with the aftermath of mega-storms. And, while there are wonderful stories of animals being rescued from dire situations caused by … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday—Influential Cats

If you have a cat, you know how influential they can be. Some of them influence you to play more and laugh more while others might be the reason you relax more often. I’ve had cats persuade me to adopt … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Come on, now—a Lego Cat?

Yes, there really is a Lego cat kit. Why? Well, it doesn’t eat, doesn’t need a litter box, won’t leave fur all over the furniture, or scratch your new leather recliner chair. And it might be fun to connect the … Continue reading

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