Category Archives: About Cats

Newsday Tuesday – Easy Ways to Avoid Serious Injury for Your Pet

Do you ever take your pet for a ride in your car? Sure you do—even cats are driven to the veterinarian or the groomer or to a new home when you move across town or across the states. Heck, our … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Safety | 2 Comments

Frivolous Friday – 4 More Reasons Why Having a Cat is Healthy

When you feel the need for a hug and there’s nobody around to give it, what do you do? If you’re like many, you invite your cat into your lap and pet her. Listening to her purr and looking down … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Beautiful Health Gifts From Your Cat

Now this will make you want to go hug your cat!!! A couple of days ago I was reading something and one sentence caught my eye. “Owning a cat can cut your chance of having a heart attack by one-third.” … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats Can Sell Anything!

A neighbor gave me a poster once for my birthday and it is a collage of cats used in advertising. Maybe you recall the cats on Old Tom and Three Cats match boxes. Are you old enough to remember that … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Keep Your Pets Safe During the Holidays

Sarah Ann Taylor is our guest blogger today. She’s here to remind us of the many dangers to our pets this time of year. I imagine most of you have stories of accidents or near accidents occurring during the holidays … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Why Cats Make Good Photo Subjects

Cats are expressive, athletic, curious, and full of purrsonality. Thus they are natural photo and art subjects. But it’s not always easy to capture their essence. Do you follow your cat around with your phone camera like a paparazzi? Do … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats Who Book Their Own Trips

Here we are back to the topic of traveling cats. You probably read about Kitty Bitty, the five-year-old tabby who went missing from her Georgia home July fourth (probably frightened by nearby fireworks) and was found in Riverside, California. She … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Fire Danger for Cats

As most of you know we’ve been dealing with fire and smoke here in Ventura County. And this has affected many, countless animals. It’s still affecting some. Pets and large animals are still displaced in some areas and being temporarily … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Cats’ Nine Lives

New Review for The Perilous Purrsuit. Michele, at Miki’s Hope has posted her review of my 26th Klepto Cat Mystery, A Perilous PURRsuit. Check it out here: See all of the Klepto Cat Mysteries and the hundreds of reviews … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – The Real Nitty Gritty About Traveling With Your Cat

As some of you know, last week was chaotic for most of us who live in Ventura County and horrendous for many as a wildfire raged through our area burning hundreds of homes and displacing many families. Thousands of people … Continue reading

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