Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday — Do Cats Need Claws?

The declaw controversy comes up every once in a while and, whenever anyone mentions it to me I feel sick. If the professionals and owners whose cats suffered after this surgery are to be believed, declawing a cat is still … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats to the Rescue

As cat people, we often focus on rescuing cats, encouraging others to rescue cats, helping new cat owners understand safety issues for their new cat, supporting cat rescue facilities and so forth. But there are also cats who rescue people. … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How We Communicate With Our Cat

If you’ve had cats in your life for very long—I mean, if you have really connected with one or more cats, you’ve probably established a form of communication with them. When my daughters were young, they used to marvel at … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Misunderstood Cougar

For years, experts have thought and reported that the cougar (puma, mountain lion) is a loner. I attended a program recently during which the commentator said that once a cougar is old enough to leave his mother, he needs an … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Strange Bedfellows for Cats

Do you buy toys for your cats? When you see something in a pet store you think he might like, do you pick it up for him? Do you save random pieces of plastic and things that bounce or roll … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—Catnip, a Cat’s Drug of Choice.

This week, I found a container of catnip that I didn’t know I had and sprinkled a little of it around Sophie’s and Lily’s playground. Their playground consists of a shipping box that has become Sophie’s Cat Cave, a cat … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cleanliness is Next to Cat-liness

Cats are fastidious. In fact, when they quit being so, it’s time for an intervention, aka, a trip to the veterinarian. Something is wrong with a cat who doesn’t regularly take a spit bath. It could be that the cat … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Weighing in With Your Cat

When you visit your veterinarian, he or she will almost always weigh your cat. The vet will then compare the new weight to the weight documented during previous visits and, of course, evaluate whether this is a good (healthy) weight … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Toys for Your Cat

Yesterday we talked about having fun with your cat. You’re probably still going through the 101 things you can do with your cat at that site I suggested. If you didn’t check this out, you should. It’ll give you some … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Cat’s Passport

Last week we talked about traveling with cats. One thing you will need in some cases when you’re moving with your cat across state lines, flying with your cat, or just taking your adventuresome cat on vacation, is documentation for … Continue reading

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