Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Cats May Grasp More Concepts Than We Know

There’s a study reported in Science Daily showing that cats understand some of elements of physics as well as the principle of cause and effect. If you’re interested in this fascinating topic, learn more here: We all learn things … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Incredible Way of Cat

We love our cats. We endlessly observe them. And we marvel at the things they do, their reactions, their habits and new activities and interests. But we can only judge our cats by our limited intelligence. Do you ever get … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Hero Cats

As most of you know, Rags (the klepto cat) is often touted as a hero cat. He knows when to jump into action and protect his people or another animal. Even though the Klepto Cat Mysteries are fiction, you’ll find … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats Wearing Hats

Dressing cats isn’t quite as widespread as dressing dogs, but it is catching on for some. I saw a lot of cats dressed in gowns and wearing glasses and hats when attending the last annual Cat Writer’s Association Conference. It … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How Black is Your Cat?

Are you a fan of black cats? Do you know one or have you observed one or more in your neighborhood? There’s actually something quite mysterious and interesting about an all black cat. Did you know that while black cats … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – National Holistic Pet Day

This day—August 28th—had been designated as National Holistic Pet Day. It’s designed to bring awareness to pet owners about alternatives to, as well as accompaniments to, traditional veterinary care. According to experts, holistic treatments consider the pet’s lifestyle, diet, and … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Getting a Little Help From the Cat

I’ve almost always been a writer and I’ve almost always had a cat or two or more. Cats and writers go together, don’t you think so? And they can be such a big….help? My gorgeous Himalayan once walked gracefully across … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Adora-Dorable Kittens

Heart-melting, that’s what a kitten is. They’re so sweet, cute, funny. When you see one who’s lost or waiting for a home in a shelter, you just want to cuddle with it and take it home with you. How many … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How to Take Your Cat Anywhere

In my Klepto Cat Mystery stories, the starring cat, Rags, sometimes gets carried, packed, carted, driven, flown, etc. to unusual places. He’s ridden into desolate wilderness on horseback. He’s gone on road trips in the car. He’s flown on commercial … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats Contribute to Your Decor

Yesterday we talked about the challenges that sometimes come with a cat. While some are dream kitties, others can be a handful. And boy can they be creative. Just having a cat in the house can change your décor. For … Continue reading

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