Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – Going Above and Beyond for Your Cat

Cats, like babies, do not come with instructions. But if you look deeply enough into her eyes, you’ll see that all she really needs is love…and the run of the house, food on demand, most of the bed, part of … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Safety | 2 Comments

Frivolous Friday – Why Does Your Cat Yowl at Night?

If your cat is older—even past eight-years-old—and she walks around the house at night crying, she may be suffering from the onset of dementia. Just as with us humans, age-related dementia can cause anxiety in cats and cause them to … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats That Make You Laugh

Who doesn’t agree that cats can be little comedians? Kittens, especially, can make even the most stoic person break out in a belly laugh. I certainly smile and chuckle and laugh out loud more often when there’s a cat in … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats on Stage

Are you one of the over 73 million people who have seen Cats the musical? I had the opportunity to see it in Santa Barbara, California. What a thrill. I thought you might like to know something about the back-story … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats That Return From the Grave

I don’t actually believe that cats reincarnate—however I guess it’s possible. But sometimes a cat comes into your life with some uncanny resemblances to cats you’ve loved in the past. Our tabby Lily, for example, doesn’t look like any of … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – What Color is Your Cat?

Generally, the most common color for a car, a dress,shoes, etc., is the least popular color when it comes to making a choice. But I’m not sure that’s true with cats. I thought black was the most common color in … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – A New Subspecies of Cat

I’ve been in love with the snow leopard since the first time I saw one, which I believe was in the Denver Zoo in the 1970s. Many years later, as I planned a trip to San Antonio, I learned that … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Finding Cats in Unusual Places

Cats sure can generate smiles. One interesting thing cats do is to explore and often hide in, under, and behind unusual places—boxes, bowls, clothes hampers, closets, sinks, dressers, sofas and other cubbies. The Internet is busy with photos of big … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Your Cat’s Birthday Party

Today is our Sophie’s 13th birthday. And we probably won’t celebrate, except to give her extra petting, spew endearing words about what a good girl she is, and make sure she gets all the attention she wants. Sophie is a … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats Worth Celebrating

The process of searching for cat news that I can use here at the Catscapades blog is a mixed bag. I love, love, love seeing cute videos of cats and kittens. I adore being treated to heart-warming stories involving cats … Continue reading

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