Resources for Working With a Book Illustrator

I field many questions related to publishing and book promotion. And I like to share my responses from time to time with those of you who enjoy my blog. After all, some of you might have similar questions.

Yesterday a SPAWN member asked about working with an illustrator. She wanted to know what they charge—what sort of contract to expect. Here is my response:

Here are four links to articles on the subject of working with an illustrator. They were the first four links that appeared when I typed in keywords “author working with illustrator.” In an Internet search.

Here are a couple of articles about how much you can expect to pay an illustrator, but I’m sure this can vary considerably from illustrator to illustrator

You might look at illustrator’s websites and see if any of them mention how much they charge. I’m guessing that most negotiate with the authors they work with. Don’t you think a contract would be different when there are a few simple drawings involved than if there were several complex pieces of artwork?

I often recommend Ann Whitford Paul’s Writing Picture Books to anyone entering into the children’s book market. It’s a great reference.

And you’ll find a lot of information about illustrations for, writing and publishing children’s books at the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

If your manuscript is ready for editing, contact Patricia Fry. I’ll provide a sample edit, evaluate your manuscript and offer and estimate for editing the entire manuscript. For more about me:

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