50 Ways to Promote Your Novel
by Patricia Fry
For most authors of fiction, the very idea of promotion is distasteful. It's not uncommon for novelists to break out in hives or develop a nervous twitch when faced with the reality of marketing their books. Some consider going into hiding once their book is published to avoid having to step outside their comfort zone.
If you're a published novelist, you'll soon come to realize that no one is going to buy a book they don't know exists. That's what's called an "ah ha" moment. Now you're aware of what has to be done—news of your book must be broadcast. But, how and by whom?
Who do you think? Who cares more about your book than anyone else in the world? Who knows your story inside and out? You…the author. And this makes you the best spokesperson on behalf of your amazing novel.
This guide will help you immensely as you absorb the facts of book marketing and put them into action. I suggest that you read and consider each and every point—all 50 of them. Then choose those activities that make sense in light of your book, your skill levels, and your interests.
Over a dozen of Patricia's 34 books relate to writing/publishing and she contributes dozens of articles each year to writing/publishing magazines such as, Writer's Digest, Authorship, PMA Independent, Absolute Write, Freelance Writer's Report, Byline, SPAWNews, SPANnet, NAWW Newsletter and others.
50 Ways to Promote Your Novel
Price: $1.99
ebook in PDF: 21 pages
Publisher: Matilija Press, 2013

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