I enjoy human interest stories involving cats. I’ll bet you do, too. Here are a few I found this week.
Officials in a government office in New Mexico organized a sort of library for cats—where employees can check out kittens from shelters to enjoy, for stress-relief, etc. As a result of this program, over 100 kittens and cats have been adopted.
Did you know that animal cruelty is now a felony and will demand a stiffer penalty? I hope education goes along with this decision. And the education should start in schools—for those children who don’t have the best guidance at home.
Why have cats taken over the Internet. Here’s a fascinating article that might shed some light on that phenomenon. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sara-ruthnum/why-the-internet-loves-ca_b_9823300.html?utm_hp_ref=cats
Here are several other news stories involving cats, including one about a cat in Rhode
Island who’s running for president and meet the mayor of a community in New York. http://www.nytimes.com/topic/subject/cats
Would you like your cat to be celebrated and, perhaps, go viral on the Internet, well, start capturing some of his or her antics on your cell phone and put them on YouTube. Send his story to the Pussington Post. Let your cat start a blog. There are many blogs written by cats. Some of them are listed here: http://belrea.edu/blog/the-top-25-cat-bloggers-of-2012/