Mindful Monday – Cat People Versus Non-Cat People

Alyzay and LilyIf you subscribe to this blog, you would probably consider yourself a cat person—someone who adores (at at least really likes) cats. Some of you even prefer cats as pets over dogs or any other species of animal.

If you’re like me, most of your closest friends are also cat people and it’s hard for you to understand someone who can’t warm up to cats. It’s non-cat people who make comments that cause you to cringe, such as, “Can’t you keep your cats off the counter?” “What is it about a cat that you like, anyway?” “All your cat does is sleep.” “Cats freak me out.” Here’s a list of additional comments non-cat people might make. http://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/7-comments-that-make-cat-owners-cringe

What is the allure of the cat for you? Have you ever stopped to figure that out? For me, at least part of it is that beautiful coat they wear. I say that I love cats, but I will draw the line at the Sphinx, for example. Give me the fur. I used to say, “The more fur the better.” However, I’ve backed off the Persian kick a little. Persians are lovely, but gads can that long hair be a nuisance to manage and to clean up. There was a time when I considered giving up on the fluffy cats and going with a smoother-furred kitty, until I took care of a friend’s short-haired cats for a while. I found out that they shed just as vigorously as my longer-haired cats.

I don’t like to think that my love of the cat is only fur deep. But boy do I love petting and marmaladeremodel-006cuddling with a furry feline. I enjoy a cat’s antics—watching them play, react to each other, stare at you, use their charms to get what they want… But still, I prefer all of these charms in a furry little body.

I’ve met people who love their hairless kitties. The first one I ever saw belonged to my veterinarian. When he showed it to me, I asked, “What’s wrong with him?” I figured he was a patient who had gone through some awful trauma and lost all his fur.

I know people who prefer black cats. One friend appreciates those cats with a bit of a wild heritage (Savannah’s, for example). Grandma loved the Siamese—apple-heads if you please. I don’t remember seeing the slim version of Siamese in those days. And bless those cat people who will take in the cat just because she needs someone—regardless of her type, style, and length of her fur. And I think most of us have done that over the years.

Klepto Cat Mysteries for Christmas

A reminder: You can purchase autographed copies of all or any of the 20 Klepto Cat Mysteries in paperback if you order them through my website. http://www.matilijapress.com/Klepto-Cat-Mysteries Order yours in time for holiday giving. Books come with my autograph and a bookmark. Also available, note cards featuring some of the beautiful Klepto Cat Mystery covers on the front.



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