Thank you for following my blog. I thoroughly enjoy bringing you news, stories, information, resources, and photos related to cats five-days a week. In case you’re interested in additional blogs, you can find them by searching—keywords: cat blog. You’ll find blogs featuring every aspect of cats you can imagine and then some. There’s one that provides a constant stream of cat videos. Grumpy Cat is featured in at least one blog. Then there are cat behavior blogs, cat clothing and products blogs, blogs exploring medical issues involving cats and so, so, so much more. There’s even a dating site for cat lovers, if you can imagine.
This site lists twenty cat-themed sites:
I even found a site listing 100 cat blogs on topics such as behavior, health, adoption, rescue, traveling cats, natural cat care, the opinionated cat, island cats, cat photography, etc. There’s a blog called Covered in Cat Hair and another one named Psycho Cat.
I’d like to recommend this site: It features how to be a responsible cat owner and includes information such as, what it costs to own a cat, how to care for kittens, toys to entertain cat when you aren’t at home, and much more.
Tell me about your favorite cat blogs and sites. or leave a comment here.