Cats photos and videos are highly prevalent on the Internet, as you know. And one of the things I enjoy most about bringing you this blog five days a week is sharing my cat photos.
Do you snap a lot of pictures of your cats? Our addiction to cell phones certainly makes it easy to capture cats doing the funny, cute, comical, crazy things they do. I often use my cell phone when I see our cats (and other people’s cats) doing something cute. If it were a matter of going to where we keep the camera, turning it on, changing the settings, and all, I’d sure miss a lot of shots, like this one I got of Lily staring up into the face of the ceramic cat. Cute, isn’t it?
One of my daughters collects anything and everything that’s heart-shaped. She has pictures of a heart-shaped puddle, heart-shaped rocks, shells, cloud formations, leaves, and even a heart-shaped clump found in the litter box. Last week, I took this picture of my mother’s cat, Smokey for my daughter’s collection. See his heart-shaped rear end.