One of the charms of having a cat is the fact that they bring so much laughter into a home. You can’t spend time with a cat and not smile a lot. Around here, we break out in laughter fairly often. I still smile when I remember the way our Himalayan cat, Katy, used to cozy up to the window air conditioner which blew her long fur either toward or away from her cute round face and made her look like she was flying in an open cockpit airplane at high speeds.
I always stop what I’m doing and watch when Sophie and Lily start a friendly standoff. Lily will sit close to Sophie and raise one paw. Sophie will raise her paw and they begin to swat one another. Soon the girl fight is on and the two of them are chasing each other though the house or rolling around on the carpeting.
When I spread a little catnip around their play area, Lily, in particular, will get so mellow and silly, we can’t help but laugh out loud. Her favorite thing is to lay on her back across the cat tree and stare at us from upside down. Must be a psychedelic moment for her.
If you aren’t enjoying your cats as much as you used to, here’s a site that might help you to get back on track. Here’s another site with some ideas for playing with your cat.
And if you have time and need some nudging, here’s a site listing 101 ways to enjoy your cat.
My favorite time is when they are kittens and they hunch up their backs and do a little tippy toe dance. It is so fun to see them try looking bigger than they are.
And when kittens hop around in that hunched position, they resemble pieces of popcorn popping in a hot pan. Sooooo cute.