Who doesn’t love kittens? Those that pop up on facebook just melt my heart. I always pause to watch a video of kittens when I’m surfing the internet. Today, I thought you’d enjoy a few of my pictures of kittens I’ve known and their “support” bears.
Also, for fans of Rags and his Klepto Cat Mystery series, you can go shopping today and order your very own Kindle version of the latest Klepto Cat Mystery–“The Secret Claws.” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NPHVTZ3/ref=sr_1_38?crid=1D61B2E3IDQJ8&keywords=klepto+cat+mysteries&qid=1550062355&s=books&sprefix=klepto+cat+mysteries%2Cstripbooks%2C187&sr=1-38