Do you think cats and water don’t mix? Well, some cats beg to differ. There are cats that actually like going for a swim once in a while—or often. And some cats are just curious and fascinated about water. Here’s a fun video showing cats in water.
While any cat can develop a liking for water, some breeds are more inclined to go for a swim. That would be the Abyssinian, American Bobtail, Manx, Bengal, Maine coon, Norwegian forest cat, Turkish Angora, and Turkish Van.
Here are more swimmingly adorable cats swimming.
Have you ever wished you could close your eyes and listen to one of my books, as opposed to reading it on your Kindle or as a print book? I heard from a fan yesterday who says she listens to the Klepto Cat Mysteries on her Kindle Fire. I was fascinated by this bit of news and did some research—when it went nowhere, I contacted my amazing web-master/Kindle formatter/trouble shooter and very good friend and she gave me this link to what’s called text-to-speech. Check it out!