We’ve just finished revising Book 2 of the Klepto Cat Mysteries and the revision work is almost finished for Books 3 and 4. Why are we revising? To improve the formatting on the print books–you’ll notice we improved the look of the print books with book 29–Meowmoir of a Klepto Cat and we want to bring all of the books up to that standard.
I’ve also learned more about what works and what doesn’t work in writing cozy mysteries, and I’ve felt a need and a responsibility to improve the writing–the way the story is presented, as well as to upgrade the way it looks. Books 1 and 2 are now up to par with my ideal.
The revision of Books 3 and 4 should be ready for purchase in print next week and the Kindle version by mid February.
As for Book 41, a super fun story about tracing Rags’s genealogy, it’s in the works. I’m currently doing the final edit (one of about a dozen–maybe more). We’re working on the cover design, my formatter will be out of town for the weekend and we’re hoping that it all comes together so you’ll be able to order the print book before the end of next week, as well. The Kindle version of Book 41, Cats of a Feather, will follow some time in February.
I know you enjoy the Klepto Cat Mysteries, but I’m focused this year on making them even better. I’ll continue revising the first five or six books and we’ll improve the look of the print books to conform with that of Book 29 and beyond. I’ll bring out new books, but probably not at the rate I have in recent years. Last year I produced eight (8) new Klepto Cat Mysteries for your reading pleasure–a record.
Book 41 will be my 83rd published book total. Thanks to you–because of your interest in the Klepto Cat Mysteries–I will keep producing them for as long as my mind is able to conjure up fresh storylines. I’m sure not tiring of the process.
We readers are not tired of reading them.