We all have them—memories of cats that once graced our lives, but that no longer live in this dimension. Almost anyone who has ever loved an animal knows the pain of losing that precious pet. Even those who tried my patience, hold a special place in my heart—like our snowshoe-type feral cat who constantly engaged in inappropriate urination. How I loved that big boy. Well, we went through a lot together—each of us trying to understand the other and always forgiving.
I remember Katy with such affection. Katy was a gracious Himalayan who comforted me through some rough patches and taught me volumes about unconditional love.
Both Max and Katy graced me with their existence for nearly eighteen years each and I yearned for eighteen or thirty-six or 106 more. I miss them.
Few of my cats lived past the age of ten, including a gorgeous shaded-silver Persian I bought from a breeder. She came to me infected with feline leukemia, although the veterinarian couldn’t identify it because it was so new at the time. We just continued to treat her with random remedies the vets thought would help and some did for a while. Poor kitty didn’t have much of a chance.
I thought you might like seeing this photo a photographer friend created for me showing many of my precious spirit kitties that I shared my life with and still share my heart with.