I visited Smokey yesterday and this is how he greeted me. As Margaret, in my Klepto Cat Mystery stories says, when she sees the star cat, Rags, sprawled out like this, “You look like some kind of hood ornament.”
Smokey is my mother’s cat. I used him to develop Rags because I wanted him to be big, confident, funny and active like Smokey is. Rags is also a kleptomaniac.
There are some comical scenes around Rags “habit” in these books. But the most alluring aspect of his is his uncanny ability to uncover, discover and recover clues in the mysteries presented within these pages.
Rags is an ordinary cat living amidst an array of ordinary people living interesting lives. If you haven’t read any of the books in this series, I’d like to invite you to do so. They are $2.99 each and are formatted for Kindle only at http://www.amazon.com.
The titles are “Catnapped” and “Cat-Eye Witness.”