Today is National Kitten Day. I’m sure I don’t have to suggest ways that you can celebrate. You know the drill—adopt, rescue, volunteer, donate, and/or simply honor and celebrate a kitten you know and love. Now that’s an easy assignment and one that you will enjoy as much as the kitten or kittens in your life, but hurry because kittens grow up in a blink of an eye.
Although when you have raised a cat from a kitten, do you ever truly lose that kitten you fell in love with? I don’t think so. Even a grown cat will at least occasionally show her kittenish side in the way she snuggles in the early morning or by a look of innocent mischief in her eyes or an activity she pursues with one of her favorite toys.
I see Olivia’s inner kitten emerge in a glance or a frolic and it always brings a smile to my face. So after you’ve rescued, volunteered, donated, and/or spent time playing with a kitten you know, celebrate the inner kitten in your grown cats. Just wriggle a wand toy or a dangle a feather and watch that kitten come out to play.