Those of you who read my Klepto Cat and Calico Cat mysteries know that I have my cat stars do some pretty wild and crazy things in these stories. They ride horses, go hiking, do a lot of exploring and make some interesting discoveries, take things, find things, lose things—oh yes, they’re busy and active for sure. But Rags’s and Olivia’s fictional pursuits pale in contrast to what some real adventuring cats are doing. And here’s a website to prove it.
I found it interesting that of the 9 cats featured, 3 are orange tabbies, 3 are hairless varieties of cat, and one is handicapped, but you ought to see what they can and will do and, by the way, seem to enjoy. One thing that fascinated me was the fact that not only are they all so comfortable wearing vests/harnesses and leashes, some will also tolerate goggles and other apparatus for their safety.
So what do these super-cats do? They hike, rock climb, ride on paddleboards and kayaks, ski, do tree-hopping (whatever that is) and even ride horses.
You might enjoy reading about these cats, but don’t read these stories to your cats or they might start hounding you to let them ride a motorcycle or go skydiving.