Changes to the Catscapades Blog

You may have noticed my absence this week. Yeah, I’m getting kind of burned out on producing this 15 year old blog. For most of those years I posted 5 days a week, then I cut down to 3 days a week. While I’ve enjoyed bringing the blog to you, I’m also to the point that all I want to do is write–the books.

I’m considering keeping the blog alive–only posting just when I have an announcement: a new book, or something that interests me that I think might interest you.

Your feedback about this decision is welcome.

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6 Responses to Changes to the Catscapades Blog

  1. Erin Ewing says:

    I love this blog, but I can understand the burnout. At this point, I think you can keep it going, only sharing announcements, and interesting subject matter.

    Ultimately the decision is yours, and I wish you the best.

  2. Janie Burleson says:

    Good morning Patricia, I have read the blog for several years now and I do enjoy reading all the information you post about different cats. I have learned a lot.
    And I really like all the pictures you post (especially Olivia).
    I missed the every day posting for awhile but gradually grew accustomed to the 3 day format. While I would miss it I can understand how and why you would like to do it only intermittently. And I definitely don’t want you to cut back on books to right the blog so keep writing about Olivia and Rags please. An occasional update to the blog will be fine.

  3. Pearl Hilden says:

    I totally support you on your decision, Patricia! I would much rather read MORE Rags and Olivia books 🙂 Go for it!

  4. Mollie Hunt says:

    My thoughts: Blogs are a lot of work!
    That’s why my blog comes out on a whim. For me, it’s more fun that way, and if I don’t keep it fun, neither I nor my readers are going to enjoy it. For a professional blogger, it’s important to have a set routine, but we’re fiction writers. We can entertain without that strict schedule hanging over our heads.

  5. Jacquie Cooper says:

    Please do what you need to do for YOU. Any updates will be enough. More than willing to wait as long as you keep writing ; )

  6. Wendy says:

    Totally understand your decision. Keep writing those books.

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