Catscapades Feedback

I’d like to thank those of you who commented on my post where I revealed my possible plan to end or cut back on my blog posting. I appreciate knowing that some of you read my posts and that you benefit from and enjoy them. With that in mind, I’ll consider continuing in some manner. As writers often do, I’ll go with my impulses and share what’s on my mind and in my heart maybe sporadically or not.

It appears that many of you are interested in Olivia and in my two mystery series, and I will keep that in mind as I plan occasional or frequent blog posts.

At any rate, you’ll receive notices of postings as usual. I hope you will click the link often and check out what’s happening at the Klepto Cat and Calico Cat Mystery factories and with Olivia and in the world of cats when I do post something on these topics.

This month, for example is National Pet Month. No one needs to tell loving pet owners how to celebrate with their precious cats, dogs, horses, hamsters or gold fish. Just keep giving them the best life possible with a whole lot of love.

I’m writing this during one of my favorite times to write—early-early on a Saturday morning with Olivia curled up and purring in my lap—my inspiration and my love.

What part of the day and activity do you enjoy most with your pet(s)?


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2 Responses to Catscapades Feedback

  1. Mollie Hunt says:

    Sounds like a plan. Of course we always want to hear about your cats and books!
    Oh, and my writing time is first thing in the morning right after feeding the cats.

  2. Dido Carthage says:

    The best times of day with my kitties were their good-night visits to my bed (Bridget would stay for 20 minutes, but Buffy would often stay most of the night). Also if they would curl up in bed with me in the morning (though more often than not, Buffy would yowl for breakfast.)

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