Keeping Up With Cat Holidays

Today is one of my favorite cat holidays. In fact I like it so much that I indulge in it every day of the year. It’s International Hug Your Cat Day. Can you imagine all of the kitty-cat hugs going on this week and probably every day of the year if you’re as huggie with your cat as I am.

But imagine the thousands of cats that won’t get a hug or even a brief petting or a second look today or any day of any week—the homeless and lost cats. And folks they’re everywhere—in every country, state, community, and neighborhood. And there are thousands of people working tirelessly to make life better for as many of those cats as is possible.

Yes, there are sad stories of cats that may never experience the love and caring of a human. But there are maybe as many stories of cats being rescued, protected, cared for, and loved. Let’s hope that all cats experience safety and love in 2024.

June is National Adopt a Cat Month. This is a great opportunity to spread the word about the joy of bringing a cat into your home, donate to your favorite rescue organization, help to socialize rescued cats, and even adopting one yourself. Some shelters even lower their fees for adoption this month—but if you can pay something, it’s always greatly appreciated and well-used for the care and protection of cats.

June is a good month to step up and give to the care of cats in any way you can. And don’t forget to spread the word through social media, word of mouth in your community, letters to the editor, church bulletin, podcasts, blog—whatever means you have at your fingertips. Cats, in my world, are love. Let’s love them back.

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