Big Day in the Klepto and Calico Cat Mystery Factory

We’ve just published our 90th book in the factory–Number 70 in the Klepto Cat series.

This one’s fun because the cover features a photo I took of the cat-model for these stories. This is Smokey aka Rags. chasing a bee in my mother’s garden.

In this story Craig and Iris’s new home is finally a reality and they plan a housewarming, but someone or some thing is attempting to quash their dreams. Their peace and safety are at risk also at risk so they summon the sheriff’s department and solicit the assistance of a psychic to help unravel the growing mystery. When all else fails, they bring in Rags to sniff out the trouble, and sniff, he does, eventually leading Craig to the culprit. this story takes readers on some unexpected excursions. No worries though, Rags also brings us to a happy surprise ending.

Available in kindle and print at Order your kindle or print copy of Claws and Effect TODAY!

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2 Responses to Big Day in the Klepto and Calico Cat Mystery Factory

  1. Erin Ewing says:

    Wow! I love that picture! 😍

  2. Mollie Hunt says:

    How many times can I say congratulations! Amazing! And such a beautiful cover.

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